less than 1 minute read

Hello everyone and welcome to the first blog post about my new project… Olpaka!

What’s Olpaka?

I’ve always had a passion for AI (yes, even before LLM and ChatGPT were a thing!), but now, with LLM in the picture, the game has become even more exciting! Recently, I stumbled upon Ollama and its extensive collection of frontends.

While randomly exploring that vast list, I noticed a gap - there wasn’t anything that was both comprehensive and user-friendly.

So, the goal of this project is to give Ollama a user-friendly interface across different platforms, starting with the web!

As a software engineer with a keen interest in Flutter, I’ve chosen this framework as the foundation for implementing this project.


Now, every good project needs some planning, right? Well, I’ll be honest - I’m not a fan of planning. So, here’s a very rough roadmap that I’ll probably never stick to.

Stay tuned for more updates! ;)

Useful links:

Feel free to explore and let me know your thoughts!
