less than 1 minute read

Howdy! After some tinkering and encountering a few hiccups with DIO HttpClient and streaming API calls, I’m excited to unveil a new tab on the home screen: the Models management tab.

While implementing this feature, I’ve realized there are a few areas I need to focus on:

  • Finding a workaround for the HTTP client issue;
  • Enhancing my understanding of Ephemeral vs App state management;
  • Deciding whether to keep or revamp the onboarding process;
  • Add analytics to understand user’s behaviour (before it’s too late :P);

Despite the challenges, this version has been a valuable learning experience in Flutter, web HTTP calls, and more.

My current goal isn’t perfection; it’s about adding functionality and gaining insights to eventually deliver a stable and scalable 1.0 version.

Onboarding screenshots from the app

Ready to give it a spin? Check out the “Olpaka web app” link above! 😊
